Life Coaching Blog

Inspiration & Support for Navigating Change

Transitions & Change Nicola Holmes Transitions & Change Nicola Holmes

Mindset Check: Expense or Investment?

I worried. Oh my god, am I throwing money into a vortex? Am I getting caught in fantasies and sucked into programs that aren’t actually going to get me new results? Am I avoiding simply doing the work, endlessly seeking guidance and hand-holding? What’s wrong with me? Am I getting dependant on others when I should be able to buck up and execute on my own?

I won’t pretend I didn’t freak out a bit after I purchased my first coaching program!

That did happen.

But thank god I stayed the course.

Stepping up in this way was a game-changer moment for me: I finally committed my time, my money, and my wholehearted intentionality to the path I had yearned to walk for years: it was a highly meaningful moment of finally going all in on my dream.

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Transitions & Change Nicola Holmes Transitions & Change Nicola Holmes

What’s the Risk of Sticking with Your Status Quo?

One time a couple came in for a ‘3-hour power coaching session’ with me - let’s call them Simon and Alethia - and I witnessed them pull off a massive turnaround in record time
When Simon and Alethia showed up to see me they had been dreaming of moving out of a big city and into a smaller, rural setting for no less than five years!

They were worn down by constantly thinking about this goal but never taking action on it - truly tired of having variations on the same conversation for years, feeling immobilized and endlessly ‘ping-ponging’ between wanting to go for their dream but feeling too afraid to do so.

In an intense and lengthy conversation, we covered many bases: we explored each individual’s fears and reservations as well as their hopes and dreams when they contemplated staying in their current home or lifting up their roots and transplanting to a new community. 

The insights we unearthed were important and helpful but I believe the biggest catalyst that enabled this couple find the courage to finally make a decision and commit to it was to take an essential question that they had been pondering for five years and to turn it on its head.

So, what was that question?!

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Transitions & Change Nicola Holmes Transitions & Change Nicola Holmes

Give Yourself Permission to Pivot

So, what does a pivot look like, exactly?

How do we know when a pivot is the wise path to take (and not just letting ourselves off the hook when the going gets tough?)

How can one pivot with grace and also take care of the parts of ourselves experiencing a discomforting sense of loss, disappointment, or failure?

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Transitions & Change Nicola Holmes Transitions & Change Nicola Holmes

Creating Change? Tend Your 'Seedlings' With Care

The other day, one of my coaching clients - let’s call her Rae - told me a painful and familiar story, one that I’ve heard versions of from many people I work with.

Rae is mama to a young child and she also wants to be a visual artist. With support and encouragement, she recently got some childcare in place, began researching art classes and places to exhibit her work, and having inspiring conversations with established creatives who weave together their artistic and family lives.

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